Elf on the Shelf – A Christmas Tradition?

November 21, 2019

I’m about to be a first-time mom (less than a month!) and while I’m super excited and a little nervous, I’ve been an aunt now to two amazing little boys (ages 2 & 4) for a few years. I love spending time with them, but my role as Auntie is easy. I discipline them if needed and try to be as honest as possible when they ask me tough questions, but my main role (in my own opinion) is encouraging their imaginations and creativity and just being a supporting part of their lives. And I can’t wait do the same for my own little boy, but as his mom my responsibility is much greater, his childhood and his life will be shaped by the choices I make at home*.

Whoa, it feels like this is going to be a heavy read, but I promise you it’s not.

This past weekend, my sister, her husband and their 2 boys started decorating their house for Christmas and that means, Leo, their Elf on the Shelf has emerged. If you’re not familiar with the Elf on the Shelf ‘tradition’, it probably wasn’t a thing when you were a kid, it definitely wasn’t when I was growing up (and if I’m being honest, I find it a little creepy). Leo is Santa’s scout; he watches them when they’re at home and reports back to Santa if they’re being naughty or nice boys leading up to Christmas. Easy enough concept to grasp. What I didn’t know until recently is that there are different levels of Elf on the Shelf:

Level 1 – your Elf moves around the house carefully observing and reporting back to Santa and sometimes he can get into some pretty funny situations!

Level 2 – your Elf moves around the house carefully observing and reporting back to Santa and sometimes brings treats and notes back from the North Pole.

Level 3 – your Elf moves around the house carefully observing and reporting back to Santa and even brings GIFTS back from the North Pole each night!

I’m sure there are more, but these are just the levels I know of and level 3 has me a little concerned. Gifts, leading UP TO Christmas, and from what I understand in some households this is a daily occurrence! I’m not judging, to each their own, but as a soon-to-be parent it made me realize, I’m going to have to be the person who decides*: what kind of elf will live on our shelf? It also makes me wonder; do we really need an elf at all?

Did you know, this year, Santa can text your kid(s)? I’m not even going to scratch this surface.

Now, the flood gates have opened, because it’s not just Christmas. What don’t I know about Easter and the Tooth Fairy and defeating monsters under the bed?! I’ve got a couple of years before this really comes into play at my house, but my mind is racing all the same.

I love occasions where I have the opportunity to do something special for the people I love and I especially love Christmas, but as my due date approaches it’s starting to hit me harder than ever, I’ve got a lot to learn about the parenting game.

New to Elf on the Shelf or trying to up your Elf game this year? You can of course hit the big box stores: Chapters – Indigo in Regina and Saskatoon, Wal-Mart, and Mastermind Toys, or try finding what you need at one of these cool, local shops: Your Toy Store & More in Estevan and Kingdom Toys in Prince Albert!

*Disclaimer: I have a wonderful husband who will also be part of family decision making 😊.

-Paige Sandvold is the Content Manager on the Brand & Digital Platforms Team at Directwest.