Ten Activities my Teenager will be seen doing with Me

April 18, 2022

I have a son in that phase known as teenage hood where he is too old to be treated like a kid and too cool to be seen with an adult. The little boy who would once ask me to play or take him places, is now often more content to isolate in his room as long as the WiFi is available. Cue that “Cat’s in the Cradle” soundtrack…

This phase is not unfamiliar as he is the middle child, but it is unfulfilling as a parent who very much enjoys family togetherness. I am not content to leave him there. I still want to spend time with him just as much as when he was looking to hang out with me. If you can relate, I’ll share a few things I’ve found that still work to coax him out.

1- Rack Em Up

A game of pool and a pound of wings are a nice way to whittle away a Sunday.  In Regina, our local fav is The Broken Rack  where they allow minors until 8:00pm.

Shooting pool

2- Go a Courtin’

Renting a Badminton court for an hour in the evening can often be combined with a gym workout or stop for treats on the way home.  CrossCourt Badminton and City of Regina fieldhouse are our go to spots.

3- Batter Up

Hitting something’s always great for cracking through that sullen façade and many local batting cages offer other entertainment experiences as well. At Ballers Rec Room, we can follow up the slow pitch with a snack and a game of giant Pac-Man so both mom and son leave smiling.

4- Escape from the Ordinary

When they are past board game night, immersive games that take you into another world can be a great way to let off some steam and bond as a family.  Try your local Laser tag facility, or check out our list of local Escape rooms for inspiration.

5- Fly High

It’s not for the faint of heart, but I gotta tell you, there’s nothing like a day of laughing at your parents trying this one out to make those memories.

TreeoSix Adventure Parks offers locations in Waskesiu and Cypress Hills or you can warm up with a mini-version like SkyPark in Regina. 

6- Shoot a Round

If they turn their nose up at mini-golf, they’re likely ready for a bigger challenge. The grandparents started the kids off with a local Par 3 before letting them drive a cart on the bigger courses. Saskatchewan is rich with places to play so it’s to find a green close or a little farther from home if you’re looking to make a weekend of it. If this is your thing, start a map and mark all the places you go together! 

Man golfing

7- Paddle Upriver

A river runs through so many communities across the province and you don’t have to look far to find a place to rent a kayak or canoe to head out and enjoy them. We like Wascana Racing Canoe Club because its right within Regina city and they usually have something available for those spur of the moment outings you didn’t know you needed.

8- Cheer on the Home Team

Nothing gets a yes faster than a ticket to a sports outing, except perhaps if we suggest bringing a friend. You can use the city pages on Mysask411 year round to find games in a city near you or check out our recent blog on catching game day experiences in Saskatchewan

9- Take a Spa Day

Alright, my son won’t go with me (yet?), but my daughter never said no to this one. A place for tea and good chats, and you come out looking better than you did when you went in! Find a local retreat near you where you have no obligations but to watch the nail polish dry.

Mother and daughter spa day

10- Head for the Hills

In the winter, a day on the slops is an easy sell because we can ride there together, break for a snack together, and no one can recognize them if they travel with us on the way down.  Check out our blog on local ski hills for location inspiration.

Who knows how long I have until these too lose their shine with the boy, but I’ll keep pulling them out until they do. Luckily I remember this phase from his older sister and know it will pass soon enough. If you are lucky enough to get an appointment with your teens, make the most of it while you can!

How do you engage your teenager? Let us know in the comments on Facebook or on Twitter!

-Nova Alberts is a Marketing Manager on the Brand and Platform team