My Favourites

April 3, 2019

Love saving your favourite businesses to your Mysask411 account? My Favourites allows you to easily see your five most recent business favourites directly on the home page. To access your full list of favourites in your account section, select ‘Click to see all your Favourites‘. Whether you add or remove favourites on the app or, you’ll see the changes happen immediately on the Mysask411 homepage!

Mysask411 home page with highlighted My favourites section displaying all favourited businesses.

Favourite businesses straight from your search results.

Mysask411 search results for salons in Saskatoon with pink heart shaped favicon highlighted to indicate a favourite business.

Favourite businesses from their business profile.

Mysask411 Beverly Ashdown Day Spa business profile with heart shaped favicon hightlighted in two areas.

Mysask411 User Tip: Only your favourite businesses can be viewed in the My Favourites section on the home page. While you can save your favourite theatres, places, deals, and people, these can only be viewed in your Account settings.