Recommending a Business

April 2, 2019

Mysask411 Recommendations allows you to share what you love about the businesses listed on Mysask411! You can view whether a business has recommendations in the ‘More’ section of their business listing on the search results page. You can also view recommendations left by other users straight from a business’ details page. To add a recommendation, you must be logged in to your Mysask411 account.

Mysask411 search results for sports exchange in Saskatoon with recommendations button highlighted.
Mysask411 recommendations written by account users on Vern's Pizza business profile.

Mysask411 User Tip: Want to view your past recommendations? You can view, edit or delete your past recommendations straight from your account, in your My Recommendations section.

Mysask411 Deidre user account with Recommendations section displaying recommendations Deidre's written on businesses.